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About the teacher

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This is a hands on learn by doing school. Don't expect to show up and take notes like a typical school. We get dirty everyday as we explore real instruments used by students. Learn all the skills necessary to repair your students instruments, start your own shop or just the regular maintenance of your own horn. 

Profile picture of Andre Yanniello

Andre Yanniello - Master Repairman

I began my career repairing instruments while enlisted as a Euphonium player in the U.S. Army band 82nd Airborne Div. I started out as an apprentice to Dan Parker who went on to found CIOMIT. I worked many hours in the late night as an unpaid apprentice to acquire the skills I needed to fix all instruments. The Army then sent me to Renton Tech in Washington to get my degree in band instrument repair technology. Upon leaving the Army I opened my first repair shop in Denton Tx. I began to grow quickly as musicians and schools learned of my skill. I found a great partner in Music 1st and merged my shop with theirs taking on the role of Head of the repair department. Over the next few years we added 5 more locations and numerous technicians to the team. Several started from scratch apprenticing under me and now enjoy a full time paid position.


This begins a new chapter - Teaching professionally and sharing my knowledge to the future of our industry. There are more openings than qualified technicians.  

The Craft


Instrument Repair Technicians are typically passionate about excellence, knowing they are key partners with music educators and performers. Technicians love to problem-solve. They are mechanics, acousticians, innovators, electroplaters, body workers, tool makers, designers all in one. Technicians employ many of the same techniques used to build instruments in the process of repairing damaged or worn parts. The craft is historically passed down to younger techs by means of an apprenticeship.  The skills used to repair instruments are difficult to capture in text. It is for this reason that the craft is a hands on learning experience which requires independent study and guided instruction.

The In-Person Program - (Summer Session Booked up - Now scheduling for Fall)


This program prepares students for entry-level employment. Students receive instruction in repair, maintenance, and adjustment of instruments belonging to the woodwind, brass, percussion, and string families.  Special emphasis is placed on those skills which make students employable. Related instruction is provided in safety, machining, and acoustics.


Common Tasks Technicians Perform Include:

  • Removing dents

  • Soft soldering broken braces and posts

  • Straightening bent parts and keys

  • Replacing worn pads and corks

  • Aligning and fitting moving parts

  • Restoring worn parts and machining replacements

  • Regulating and adjusting intricate and complex key mechanisms

  • Repairing cracks in wood


Trade crafts have become a lost art. This program is essential to keeping our craft alive. Repair technicians who have been properly trained are in critically short supply. Repairing instruments is a self-rewarding and profitable vocation.

The online program is a combination of step-by-step videos and weekly collaboration meetings over zoom. You will be able to watch the lessons in order or as needed based on current issue in front of you. This class is always being updated as we discover your needs through the weekly video meetings. 


Common Tasks to students Perform Include:

  • Inspecting the instruments

  • Play testing

  • Straightening bent parts and keys

  • Replacing worn pads and corks

  • Aligning and fitting moving parts

  • Regulating and adjusting intricate and complex key mechanisms

  • Soldering broken braces


Your time as an educator is extremely limited during class, learn the skills to keep making music and never let a simple problem destroy your momentum.

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Events & Workshops
Music meme

Director Repair Course:

Are you a Director with a tight budget or just a can do attitude that wants to leave nothing to chance. Come take our 2 day workshop to learn the basics for backstage emergencies. You will leave with a director repair kit and enough wisdom to know when to stop.

A quote that says invest in yourself and you will earn more

Audit a class


Changing careers can be stressful, want to get a taste of the good life? Come spend a day in the class and get your hands dirty to see if this might be the change you are looking for. 

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© 2024 Instrument Repair School

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